Innovation News

Center Introduction A Cradle to Advance Toward the Global Korean Demand Company, KRIC

Press Release

"Establishing a future 30-year economic cooperation strategy with Russia and Mongolia”

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    2020-02-13 00:00
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On the morning of the 12th, Koo-Hoon Kwon, chairman of the Presidential Committee on Northern Economic Cooperation held a press conference at the Korea Press Center in Jung-gu, Seoul to explain the direction of the Committee’s policies this year, which was decided as the 'Year of New Northern Cooperation’. 

"The future 30-year economic cooperation strategy will not only deepen economic cooperation with the new northern countries but also contribute to the creation of core value in the global value chain that connects Eurasia.” 


In addition, Kwon announced that cooperation in the advanced technology field, such as ICT and AI, will be strengthened through △ advanced technology R&D cooperation through KRIC, △ promoting R&D projects with overseas specialist institutions, and △ hosting new technology exchange conferences.


-From the original article-